(latest updated April 20, 2022)
The extremely difficult situation the COVID-19 virus placed more or less the entire world in is not completely over yet – but to everyone’s great joy, we now see huge improvements, and many countries are welcoming visitors and tourists again.
However, different countries choose different paths back – restrictions and rules are lifted and changed in different ways and at different rates, depending on national strategies and decisions.
Our customers put together their own package trips, and these thousands of different combinations of nationality / country of departure / route / destination together with GDPR mean that we are unfortunately unable to publish ongoing information about each individual trip.
Therefor, it is extra important that you as a traveler take great responsibility before and during the trip, and below you will find tips, advice and links to help you do this.
Regardless of whether a “vaccine passport” or similar has been implemented in / by the country from which your passport was issued, we would like to remind all travelers to find out for themselves what local restrictions and rules apply to the country and destination you are in or on your way to visit.
Examine in detail what applies
– before departure (e.g. entry rules, online registration, visa, tests, vaccinations and / or health declaration),
– during the journey (e.g. the rules applicable to aircraft and airports),
– at the destination (e.g. vaccine passports, requirements for oral protection, social distancing, quarantine and / or tests), and
– before the return journey (e.g. departure rules, tests, health declaration, possible quarantine on return).
Current information about the situation at your destination is available on the websites of authorities, embassies and airlines, and below, under the tab “Entry rules”, you can find links to the entry rules of different countries / destinations.
Note that local rules may vary depending on your nationality.
Please also note that the conditions at some destinations and hotels may change between the time of booking and the date of departure.
At these destinations, local restrictions may apply. See the following links for the latest official information from the country’s authorities.